Docker Image

This is a page that contains download links and instruction on running Docker Image (kind of Virtual Machine) with the compiled programs and the source codes for the work described here.

Installing Docker

If you do not have Docker installed, then go to the official documentation page and follow instructions for your system:

Download and unpack archive

The Docker image is here: [.tar.gz].

After download, you need to unzip it, so that only tar archive remains. Assuming you are on a Linux distributuon and have it in your home directory, just issue the following commands in the terminal:

cd ~
gzip -d highorderddes.tar.gz
Wait until the archive is unpacked, you should see only highorderddes.tar when doing
ls -laht | grep highorderddes

Running the container

Now, load the docker image and run it:

docker load -i highorderddes.tar
docker run scirsc/highorderddes
A message should appear that describes the Docker Image. If you want to run all the proofs:
docker run -it scirsc/highorderddes ./
If you want to explore the container:
docker run -it scirsc/highorderddes ./bin/bash

Prune Docker after use

You might consider removing the Docker Image and its Containers from your system to restore some free space.

This command will remove all stopped containers:

docker container prune
This command will remove the scirsc/highorderddes from your Docker. You need to remove first all Containers of this Image (see command above).
docker rmi scirsc/highorderddes